Your Club Committee
Welcome to your club committee. Below you'll find a list of your committe members and their responsibilities, with a further breakdown of roles and responsibilities. All roles are open for re-election at each AGM , please speak to an existing committee member if you feel that you can help in any way.

Provide overall leadership and direction for the club.
Chair committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Act as the main representative of the club at external events or meetings.
Oversee the implementation of the club’s development plan.
Mediate disputes within the club and ensure smooth operation.
Vice Chairman
Support the Chairman in their duties and act as a deputy when required.
Assist with the planning and implementation of club projects, events and regular maintenance
Take on special projects or initiatives as assigned by the committee.
Step in during the Chairman’s absence to lead meetings or represent the club.
Handle correspondence and maintain communication with members and external stakeholders (e.g., Scottish Cycling).
Prepare agendas and take minutes for committee meetings and AGMs.
Maintain club records, including policies, meeting notes, and key documents.
Ensure compliance with club rules and governing body regulations.
Lead and support event secretary
Manage the club’s finances, including budgeting, banking, and bookkeeping.
Provide regular financial reports to the committee.
Ensure timely payment of club expenses (e.g., rent, coaches’ fees, equipment).
Monitor funding opportunities and support grant applications.
Prepare an annual financial summary for members at the AGM.
Welfare Officer
Ensure the club complies with safeguarding policies and procedures.
Be the first point of contact for any welfare or safeguarding concerns.
Liaise with Scottish Cycling or relevant authorities on welfare issues.
Keep all volunteers up to date with training in child protection and safeguarding.
Membership Secretary
Manage the club’s membership database and renewals.
Oversee member registrations, including race licenses if needed.
Communicate membership benefits and updates to members.
Ensure membership fees are collected and recorded accurately.
Track attendance trends and report to the committee.
Head Coach
Plan and oversee coaching programs to meet the needs of all members.
Coordinate training schedules and allocate coaching resources.
Lead by example in adhering to coaching standards and safety protocols.
Recruit, mentor, and oversee assistant coaches or volunteers.
Provide input on equipment or facility needs for training sessions.
Event Secretary - Reports to Club Secretary
Plan, organise, and oversee club, regional, and national events.
Coordinate event logistics, including scheduling, venue bookings, and permits.
Communicate with event participants, officials, and governing bodies.
Ensure compliance with regulations and safety requirements during events.
Manage event promotion and recruitment of volunteers.
Provide post-event reports and feedback to the committee.
Ordinary Member
Represent the general membership and bring diverse perspectives to committee discussions.
Take on specific tasks or projects as assigned by the committee (e.g., event coordination, fundraising initiatives).
Support the implementation of club activities and policies.
Support the bookings process on Wix
Act as additional resources for key roles during busy periods (e.g., race days or events).
Assist on Social Media Activities
Club AGM Minutes: