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Worlds Open Session - Grp 2 and 3 Riders

Join in the worlds open sessions

5 British pounds
Ardgoil Drive

Service Description

By Booking your session you agree to abide by the guidance below Rider Guidance All participants set an example and follow these guidelines to ensure that the risk of downinfection/transmission of the virus is minimised. Strong hand hygiene should be practiced by all involved before, during and after all cycling activity Before the session  Participants must not attend a ride or session if they have Covid-19 symptoms, have someone in their household who does and are in the extremely vulnerable category or if they have been asked to remain at home by the UK Government track and trace system  Online bookings require to be completed prior to the session  Ensure you are aware of the safety guidelines of what is expected before, during and after the session including what you are expected to do to maintain compliance with social distancing guidelines and all other health, hygiene and safety guidelines During the activity  You must practice good respiratory hygiene during the activity (i.e. coughing, sneezing into a tissue or the crook of an elbow)  Ensure all those involved maintain social distancing while not on track  Participants must provide their own equipment and refreshments if possible and avoid sharing the like of water bottles and food  Train within your personal physical and technical limitations to try and avoid additional burden on the NHS and the first-aiders present  In line with government guidelines, masks or face coverings are not required if social distancing is maintained. At this stage using face masks or coverings is a personal choice but it should not restrict breathing  If a participant develops symptoms of Covid-19, they should stop taking part and be directed to follow the Government’s ‘test and trace’ guidelines, which can be read on the website  You must remain in the training group you were allocated by your coach After the activity  Participants should wash/sanitise their hands after the session  Participants leaving the activity must maintain social distancing  Any participant developing symptoms after a session should notify the club so that other members of the club can be advised, and all should refer to the latest NHS advice

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Refunds are not available for cancellations

Contact Details

  • Ardgoil Drive, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 9NE, UK

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